Management Science Doctoral Study Program (PSDIM) FEB Unud underwent field assessments by BAN-PT in the context of PSDIM Reaccreditation. This activity was carried out online for two consecutive days on Wednesday (7/15) yesterday and Thursday (7/16) this morning.

This field assessment was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K). In his remarks, the Chancellor gave his highest appreciation to FEB in preparing themselves for online assessments for the first time in Unud. The Chancellor also revealed that the facilities owned by FEB were very supportive and hoped that what the Dean and Faculty aspired to become reality soon.

BAN-PT assigned two assessors in this field assessment namely Prof. Dr. Marwan Asri, MBA (UGM) and Prof. Dr. I Made Sudarma, SE, MM, Ak. (Unibraw).

The assessment was centered on the BH Sudirman Building, where on the first day the presentation of UPPS related to various reports owned by the faculty. Presentation was also carried out by PSDIM Koprodi, Accreditation Teams, SPMI, Lecturers, Education Personnel, Alumni and Users, and Students which were carried out alternately.

The second day's continued assessment focused on clarification of the minutes and recommendations on the results of accreditation conducted by all UPPS and the PSDIM accreditation team.

In closing the assessment, the Dean of FEB Unud immediately expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the team for being able to contribute even though it was still in an uncertain atmosphere after the Covid-19 pandemic and hoped that what the visitation team had done could produce positive things.