Registration for PLN Group's PLN Goes to Campus Program in 2023 University General
Dear Udayana University Alumni
PLNGoes to Campus PLN Group Program The year 2023 has been opened for you as Udayana University alumni. Furthermore, for registration, please visit the campus on:
Day, Date: Monday–Wednesday, September 25–27, 2023
Time: 09.00–14.00 WITA
Location: UPK Room, 4th Floor, Agro Building, Udayana Sudirman Campus Complex
Agenda: Registration for PLN Goes to Campus PLN Group Program in 2023
The requirements and files that need to be prepared are:
Alumni and Graduates of Udayana University
S1 level with the attached majors;
Have a cumulative achievement index (GPA) > 3.00;
Birth Limit: S1 Year 1996 or after;
Original KTP, diploma, and transcript (to be shown during registration);
Email and an active cell phone number.
This email is intended specifically for you; please do not distribute it.
Thus conveyed, thank you for your attention.