RSPTN Unud Receives Donation Assistance and PPE for Handling COVID-19 Patients in Bali

The Udayana University Academic Community also cares and participates in providing donations and PPE assistance for the handling of Covid-19 patients in Bali. Aid was channeled through the Unud Co-19 Task Force, Medical Faculty or directly handed over to the Referral Hospital. The Dean of FEB Unud together with the Deputy Dean and the Head of the Administration Unit and staff visited the PTN University Udayana University in Jimbaran to deliver assistance from the FEB Unud Academic Community in the form of several operational support tools for medical personnel such as face shields, gloves, trash bags, nutrient intake, and some consumption and other vitamins, Monday (04/13/2020). Besides FEB, FT Unud also gave donations in the form of 100 pieces of Face Shield made with 3D printing by students of the Automotive Team of Weimana FT Unud guided by Prof. Ary Subagia, in addition, 50 pieces of Hazmat clothing were also handed over, in collaboration between FT Unud and FT Unud Alumni who are members of the Twintrend community. The donation was made by the FT Dean, FT Academic Senate Chairperson and FT WD WD II, and Mr. Rudi (S78 as the alumni and Twintrend representative) to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University accompanied by the Deputy Deans (13/4) at FK Unud Building, Sudirman Campus. then it will be distributed to Unud Hospital and Sanglah Hospital. Previously, several faculties in the Udayana University also contributed donations to the Referral Hospital, one of which was the Unud PTN Hospital which had been designated as a Special Isolation Hospital for Covid-19 patients. The Gajah Mada Univ Alumni Family (KAGAMA) Commissariat of Udayana University also handed over donations of PPE received by the Dean of FK Unud accompanied by the Vice Deans at Sudirman Campus. Donations were submitted by Dr.dr Agung Wiwiek Indrayani and Dr.dr. Urges Indrasari Utami, Sp.S, who will then be submitted to the PTN Unud Hospital for the Covid-19 Medical Treatment Team. Donations in the form of 100 PCS APD COVERALL / HAZMAT AND 100 PCS SENSI SHOE COVERS were also received from PT Satnawa Excellence Capital, which was delivered through a Cardiology Study Program, which was submitted by the Cardiology Department Dr. N Wiryawan, Sp.JP was accompanied by a Resident of Cardiology to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, which will then be distributed to Covid-19 Medical Staff in the PTN Unud Hospital and Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. Other assistance was also provided by the Ritz Carlton Bali Hotel in the form of 6 PPE APDs received by the Dean of FK Unud which will be intended for the Medical Team handling Covid-19 at PTN Unud Hospital and Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. Let's together, unite to break the distribution chain of Covid-19.