SiISYANA Innovative Solution for BMN Management at Udayana University

Jimbaran - Udayana University launched the Udayana Inventory Information System (SiISYANA) at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Wednesday (03/04/2020). The launching event was attended by Deputy Chancellors, SPI Chairpersons, Bureau Heads, Deans, Postgraduate Directors, Institutional Directors, BPU Directors, USDI Heads and Teams and Representatives from Unud Hospital. SiISYANA is a system of recording State MIlik (BMN) for all units in the Udayana University environment that is integrated with SIMAK BMN.

Head of General Bureau Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi conveyed that the making of this information system was motivated by the Label of SIMAK BMN which had not provided adequate information, the application was standalone and the BMN mutation was less controlled. In collaboration with the USDI Team, the General Bureau created an Inventory Information System named SiISYANA. With this SiISYANA, the BMN label has a QR Code, not manual, more detailed information by scanning the QR Code and minimizing BMN labeling errors. SiISYANA is also integrated with the database from SIMAK BMN and also integrated with SIPIRANG.

Through SiISYANA, BMN management is expected to have a clear history of mutation, systemic deletion, BMN is equipped with photos, real time data updates, list of updated space items, clear identification of the need for state property and support the development of the State Asset Digitalization Information System.

While Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi, who officially launched SiISYANA, in his direction said that Udayana University has around 70 information systems that are expected to support higher education management. With the addition of SiISYANA it is hoped that it can support the management of university assets where through this system the assets will be updated at all times and in real time, and can be accessed via mobile phones.

The Chancellor hopes that all existing systems are put to their best use and BMN as the system responsible for launching today will immediately conduct socialization and go down to the units to be able to implement it. The work unit is also to support this, so that it can provide benefits as expected. All activities carried out are expected to have a clear output and outcame. On the occasion the Chancellor also gave appreciation to all those who have contributed in making this system.