Supporting the Implementation of Free Learning-Merdeka Campus, FEB Unud Collaborates with the Denpasar City Tourism Office

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University collaborates with the Denpasar City Tourism Office on Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy Development in Denpasar City. This was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, Ph.D and the Head of the Denpasar City Tourism Office at the Audiovisual Room Dharma Negara Alaya, Monday (23/11/2020).

This event was also attended by the Unud Chancellor, Denpasar Mayor, Denpasar Regional Secretary, BI Representatives, BPD Representatives, Deputy Deans of FEB Unud and several other invitees.

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech conveyed the ongoing wave of industrial revolution 4.0 which seems to be moving towards the 5.0 industrial revolution which has an impact on very fast and massive changes that cause transformation in various aspects of life. Responding to this condition, it is necessary to collaborate and cooperate in creating reliable and capable young generations to navigate this “ocean” of change. One thing that must be prepared is to equip the young generation with an entrepreneurial spirit and an understanding of the creative industry as an effort to prepare superior human resources who are ready to become agents of change in development, especially in the fields of entrepreneurship and the creative economy.

In the field of higher education, the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture has implemented an independent learning program for an independent campus. The learning process on an independent campus is one of the manifestations of student centered learning which is essential. The objective of the policy on independent learning - independent campus is to increase the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to make them more ready and relevant to the needs of the times. This process can be done with the participation of students from the faculty of economics and business for at least one semester (6 months) as apprentices in the field of entrepreneurship and creative economy development carried out by the Denpasar city government.

Meanwhile Denpasar Mayor Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra in his remarks conveyed that the Government is trying to facilitate the obstacles and challenges in realizing the creative economy through regulation and provision of supporting facilities. It is hoped that this collaboration can increase the number of entrepreneurs and the creative economy. Cooperation from the government, universities and banks is needed to help realize what has been planned. The Mayor hopes that this PKS can be immediately followed up in the form of implementing activities at the Alaya State Dharma Building.

The scope of cooperation regulated in this PKS includes lectures in the field of entrepreneurship and creative economy, community service, maturation of young entrepreneurs (WIDA), Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) and organizing Millennial's Creativity Competition (MCC).