The 146th Graduation of the Chancellor of Unud Released 1,423 Graduates, 237 of them Received Cum Laude Predicate

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) held an academic ceremony in the context of the 146th Graduation which took place in a hybrid combination offline and online with the main location point being at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (19/2/2022). The number of graduates released during this period was 1,423 people, thus the current number of alumni of Unud is 108,198 people.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his report said that the graduates this time consisted of 3 Diploma programs, 117 Professionals, 47 Specialists, 966 Bachelors (S1), 240 Masters (S2) and 50 Doctors (S3). Of the total graduates this time, 237 of them won the title with Praise or Cum Laude. In this period, 132 graduates were scholarship recipients from 25 scholarship providers. This time, the male graduates were dominated by 734 people, while the female graduates were only 689 people. In terms of academic achievement, the GPA of female graduates is better than that of male graduates, where the average GPA of female graduates is 3.65 while the average GPA of male graduates is 3.59. The average study period for women is 8.5 semesters while the study period for men is 9.2 semesters. In this 146th graduation period, out of 1,423 graduates who were declared eligible for a PIN, 751 people. The total number of PINs that have been obtained so far is 4,179 graduates during eight graduation periods. For those who have not obtained a PIN, they still use the diploma number issued by Udayana University which is registered in the Higher Education Database (PDDIKTI).

While the Chancellor of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in his speech said that Graduation was again held in a hybrid combination offline and online due to the increase in Covid-19 cases, especially the spread of the Omicron variant and the implementation of PPKM and was the eleventh graduation during the pandemic. Udayana University is currently entering its 60th year, of course this is a mature age as the largest educational institution in Bali in showing its role as an educational center that has a role in adding insight and knowledge to the nation's next generation who are able to bring change and adapt to technological developments. and the industrial world. We must dare to go out of our comfort zone to be able to compete, for that we already have several plans to develop Unud into a university that is not only able to compete at the national level but also towards a World Class University. One of the things we will do is change the educational ecosystem at Udayana University, from where the lecture locations were originally scattered, namely in Denpasar and in Bukit, we will integrate and concentrate them on the Jimbaran Campus. Currently we are preparing the Student Dormitory Building, there are as many as 22 towers with a capacity of 6000 beds which will be reserved for new students. Besides that, 8 new Deans will also be built, which are intended for faculties that were previously on the Denpasar Campus. This is expected to support the effectiveness of learning, especially for the undergraduate level so that they can focus on taking education in an integrated location. In the future, we plan to build a Lecture Building and its supporting facilities so that all students can enjoy the same facilities regardless of study program and faculty.

The Chancellor hopes that all graduates will always be wise in applying the knowledge that has been obtained and implementing this knowledge to produce innovations that are useful for the welfare of society, nation and state. Wise in responding to any issues that develop and do not be easily provoked, being a strong role model to lead this nation to a better direction by remaining based on existing ethics and norms.