The Acting Mayor of Semarang Will Attend the 10th AFEBI Congress in Bali
As an effort to maximize preparations for the Election and Determination of the National Board of Directors (DPN) as well as the 10th Congress of the Indonesian Faculty of Economics and Business Association (AFEBI) in 2022, which will be held in Denpasar, Bali on 5 - 7 December 2022 with the theme Toward Green and Digital Economics and Business Faculties for Sustainable Future. The Organizing Committee held an Audience with the Acting Mayor of Semarang Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos online on Tuesday 15 November 2022. The audience was held to invite the Mayor of Semarang to attend the 10th AFEBI congress as well as request his willingness to be one of the guest speakers at the event. This is based on the progress made by the Semarang City Government which is very progressive in realizing the development of a green environment and won 1st place in UI Green City Metric 2021.
Also attending the hearing was the Chairman of the AFEBI National Council (DPN), Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si, AFEBI Staff Nur Fauzan, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E , Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana, S.E., M.Si., Ak, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information Dr. I Gde Kajeng Baskara, S.E., M.M., Ak and the main committee.
Acting Mayor of Semarang Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos in her official statement stated that she was very enthusiastic about participating in the event initiated by AFEBI and carried out by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Through this very strategic event, it is hoped that there will be synergy between the government and universities in realizing a green economy in the campus environment.