The Chancellor of Udayana University Attended the 19th Covid Handling Meeting held by the Governor of Bali

Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi was present at the acceleration of the Covid-19 meeting held by the Governor of Bali in the Balai Gajah Jaya Sabha Denpasar Meeting Room on Thursday (9/4/2020).

This meeting was held in connection with the issuance of a Decree of the Governor of Bali concerning the Formation and Membership of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling in the Province of Bali, which refers to the Circular of the Minister of the Interior. The Task Force consisted of FKPD leaders namely the Regional Police Chief, Military Commander, Kajati, Deputy Governor, Secretary and also involved PHDI, Academics of Udayana University, BIN and related work units within the Provincial Government of Bali.

The Chancellor of Udayana University in this Task Force was assigned to the Task Force on Community Education and Education Services with the Head of the Bali Province Office of Education and Culture and the Head of LLDikti Region VIII. The job description is to carry out socialization and education activities to the public and educational institutions more intensively about the prevention of Covid-19 in a way that is easily understood by the community and collaborates with stakeholders in carrying out the intended socialization and education.

Bali Governor Wayan Koster on the occasion said, in accordance with the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chair of the Task Force was the Regional Head and a task force structure and its secretariat had also been formed. In this meeting the division of tasks was carried out in accordance with the existing fields to strengthen efforts to handle the spread of Covid-19 in Bali. The initial meeting is conducted face-to-face and then coordination will be held via video conference.

The Governor also conveyed several steps that have been carried out namely coordination with related units, the plan to establish a joint post to facilitate coordination, the establishment of the Mutual Assistance Task Force at the Customary Village level, the appeal for the use of masks when leaving the house according to central government directives, preparing 11 Referral Hospitals, closing entertainment venues , appeal to the public to follow the policy of the central government, the appointment of Unud Hospital as a special hospital handling Covid-19 and has succeeded in fighting for Sanglah Hospital as one of the laboratory test sites, but the results of the examination were submitted through the central government.

The Provincial Government of Bali has also received PPE assistance from BNPB and has been distributed to the Referral Hospital. Rapid tests provided by the central government have been used and in part to examine migrant workers returning to Bali. The Chinese government also provides assistance in the form of a ventilator and through the Ambassador in Singapore has been sent a rapid test tool that is more accurate but can only be done at the Hospital. The government has also prepared a quarantine place with a capacity of around 1000 people.

The thing that needs special attention is the increase in positive cases originating from migrant workers, so rigorous efforts must be made in the inspection process. The next step that must be taken is to encourage the public to be disciplined in following the Governor's instructions and to accelerate the functioning of the Desa Adat Mutual Assistance Task Force and to make effective socialization through the media to the public.

Improved supervision and rapid tests at entrances such as ports must be carried out and ensure medical devices are in accordance with standards. The Provincial Government will also prepare hotels and special incentives for medical personnel and be facilitated by their daily needs and transportation. On this occasion the Governor also requested a report from the Rector of Udayana University related to the readiness of the Unud Hospital as a special hospital handling Covid-19 and input from FKPD who were present.

Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his report said that infrastructure had been prepared in a single building with four floors that could accommodate 97 beds, but 37 beds were ready. It was also reported that Unur Hospital still lacked medical personnel if all beds were operated. At present there are already positive patients with Covid-19 who are being treated, so that in their governance a separate zone has been created. Unud Hospital currently has six buildings, the Red Zone is reserved for Covid-19 patients, the Yellow Zone for SDM and the Green Zone are safe zones.

 At the moment, Udayana Hospital has begun to conduct examinations for people who need Covid-19 free certificates. If there are people who want to check themselves and indicated Covid-19 will be taken directly by ambulance to the Red Zone. Covid-19 SOPs have also been prepared, and APD officers have also been prepared to exceed one level above the established standard. At this time, real time PCR support is being prepared, so that it can be carried out entirely at Unud Hospital. Officers have also been given special training in dealing with Covid-19 patients.

On the occasion the Bali Police Chief conveyed that public safety is a top priority and there must be no issues that are troubling the community, for this reason it is expected to follow the existing rules. The Bali Police always coordinates with the Governor regarding activities