The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held an event for the Submission of the Decree on the Dismissal and Appointment of the Unit Coordinator at FEB Unud on Friday (28/01) the day after tomorrow. The event was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, UP3M and UP2M Coordinators for the 2020-2022 period, as well as the UP3M, UP2M and UPIKS Coordinators for the 2022-2024 period. The Unit Coordinator who was appointed was Dr. I Made Surya Negara Sudirman, SE. Ak., MM. as UP2M Coordinator and Dr. Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari, S.E., MSi., Ak., CA. as UP3M Coordinator.

In his remarks, the Dean of FEB Unud said that of the various sub-units in FEB, only five sub-units had a decision letter on the appointment of managers signed directly by the Chancellor of Udayana University, namely the appointment of the Faculty Senate, Dean, Administrative Coordinator, Study Program Coordinator, and Unit Coordinator therefore this moment is one of the special moments in FEB Unud.

The Dean of FEB Unud also expressed his gratitude to the UP2M, UP3M and UPIKS Coordinators for the 2020-2022 period for all the achievements that have been made for FEB. In 2020-2021 UP3M has succeeded in preparing for PDIM, PPAK, PDIA, ABEST21, AUN-QA accreditations which are in accordance with the expected results. Many important documents are also produced such as SPMI Policy documents, SPMI Manual Documents, SPMI Standard Documents which are the basis for managing FEB, and Quality Standard Documents. In addition to UP3M, in 2020-2021 the UPIKS Coordinator also succeeded in implementing the SindiBerkerja and LAPAK FEB Unud system and the UP2M Coordinator succeeded in conducting monev which was a big breakthrough for lecturers in terms of research.

The Dean of FEB hopes for the UP2M and UP3M Coordinators for the 2022-2024 period, namely planning and evaluation. In the plan there are 4 documents, including Quality Policy, Quality Manual, Quality Standards, and Quality Implementation Procedures. The LAMEMBA indicator is also an important point to be integrated into the Quality Standards owned by FEB Unud. Regarding Evaluation, the Evaluation in question is an evaluation conducted at the Faculty which aims to assess the achievements of Study Programs.