The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was appointed as a pilot unit within Udayana University (Unud) in the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean & Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM)
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was appointed as a pilot unit within Udayana University (Unud) in the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean & Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). The declaration of the Integrity Zone Development was carried out on Wednesday (04/08) yesterday morning online and offline.
Present directly including the Chancellor of Unud along with the ranks and the Dean of FEB and their ranks. Meanwhile, thousands of invitees, including invitations from Government Agencies, Private, Students, and Education Personnel, within the FEB Unud took part in online activities.
In this activity, the Chancellor of Unud had the opportunity to confirm the Integrity Zone Change Agent Towards WBK and WBBM. This activity was also filled with the signing of the Integrity Pact and the signing of banners supporting the Declaration of Integrity Zone Development for WBK and WBBM FEB Unud.
Also present online, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Technology, Dr. Catharina M. Girsang, SH, SE, MH. He stated that bureaucratic reform aims to build public trust in government agencies. He continued, the commitment to carry out bureaucratic reform must always be maintained so that the quality of service continues to increase.
Udayana University Chancellor, Prof. Dr. dr. AA Raka Sudewi, Sp.S.(K), in his speech stated that bureaucratic reform is an absolute must for every government agency in order to provide good, effective, and efficient services. The Chancellor continued, the appointment of FEB as a pilot unit cannot be separated from its good performance, so it is hoped that in the coming year, the Integrity Zone predicate can be obtained.