The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University conducted the 2021 Joint Judiciary Ceremony (YUBER I) online.
Friday, 19 February 2021, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held an online Joint Judiciary (YUBER I) Ceremony for 2021.
The report was initiated by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning at the joint graduation ceremony (YUBER I) in 2021 regarding the number of active students in 2021 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, 99 Doctoral Study Programs in Management Science, 66 Doctoral Study Programs in Economics, 234 Masters in Accounting, Master of Management 238, Master of Economics 82, Professional Program in Accounting 34, Diploma III of Taxation 212, Diploma III of Accounting 125, Bachelor of Accounting 969, Bachelor of Management 1135, Bachelor of Development Economics 1078 active students.
The Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning also said that the number of participants in the Joint Judiciary (YUBER) period I in 2021 included 1 Diploma III, 7 Doctoral Program, 57 Masters Program, 18 PPAK, and 225 Bachelor's with a total of 308 students. Regarding the GPA of prospective graduates, there is only 1 GPA below a 2.75 GPA, namely in the Bachelor of Management program, however, the average GPA of the participants in the Judiciary is S3 in Management 3.77, S3 in Economics 3.92, Masters in Accounting 3.74, Masters in Management 3.73, Masters in Economics 3.47, PPAK 3.95, Diploma III 3.57, S1 Accounting 3.74, S1 Management 3.66, and S1 Economic Development 3.57. Associated with the graduation predicate for the Undergraduate Program, there are 5 statuses: Sufficient, 12 Satisfactory, 113 Very Satisfactory, 95 honors. For the Diploma III Program, there were 1 predicate Very Satisfying, the PPAK Program was all honored, while there were 8 Masters programs with the predicate Satisfactory, 38 Very Satisfying, and 11 Praise. In this Doctoral Program in Judicium, all of them are with a Very Satisfying Prodicate.
Furthermore, the event was filled with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and at the same time closing the Joint Judiciary (YUBER I) in 2021. The Dean of FEB Unud expressed his apology because the Judicium process was carried out online or online according to government regulations and the policies of the Udayana University Chancellor. However, in the last 5 judicium periods, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University carried out the Judicium process with different concepts, this was done to provide different experiences felt by prospective graduates. The hope of the Dean of FEB Unud is that the government will be successful in carrying out the vaccination program so that it can help to get through this difficult situation. The Dean of FEB Unud also congratulated prospective graduates for completing their education well. The last point conveyed by the Dean of FEB Unud to prospective graduates were 3 messages that became icons in this judicium. The first message "Don't ever forget about what and who made you exist" which is quoted from the book Arjuna Wiwaha, the second message "There is no partner, there is no more true friend who is more important than the great science" quoted from the Book Niti Sastra sargah 2.5, The third message "Sad ripu, lust, anger, jealousy, envy, arrogance, and darkness are the closest enemies, the biggest enemy that can fail you to reach your goals, the enemy is in the heart of his place and not far from the body. "Quoted from the marriage of Ramayana sargah 1.4.