The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held the “Planning and Development Deliberation (MUSRENBANG) for Fiscal Year 2023”.
on Tuesday, 22 March 2022. The 2023 MUSRENBANG activity was held in the Hall of Gd. bra lt. IV FEB UNUD – Sudirman by inviting Faculty Leaders, Study Program Leaders, Unit Leaders, Program Leaders, Business Unit Heads, Administrative Leaders, Lecturer Representatives and Education Personnel Representatives at the Faculty of Economics and Business.
At the MUSRENBANG activity in 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Agoes Ganesa Rahyuda, SE, MT, Ph.D explained material on the Development Direction and Policy of FEB UNUD in 2023. the performance target is planned in 2023 and it is hoped that each sub-unit can also prepare a work program that targets the achievement of the Performance Contract and the achievement of the FEB UNUD Strategic Plan in 2020 – 2024.
In addition to the material presentation, in the 2023 MUSRENBANG activity, the Dean of FEB UNUD also distribute the 2023 Fiscal Year Ceiling to each sub-unit. In the discussion session which is the last session of the 2023 MUSRENBANG activity, several suggestions and suggestions were made by the participants regarding the work plan in 2023.