The First Meeting for the Preparation of Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Outputs for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University

The first Monev Preparatory Meeting was held in room 3.2 of the BH FEB UNUD Building on February 21, 2022, from 11.00 to 11.00. 13.00 WITA. The agenda for the meeting included: Directions from the leadership, Preparation of Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments, Presentation of Activity Schedules, and Division of Tasks). The meeting was attended by the executive committee and leadership.

The direction from the leadership is essentially monitoring and evaluation in order to produce information regarding the certainty of whether the output is published or not, the suitability of the proposals that have passed the Udayana University Research Master Plan and the Research Master Plan of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Student involvement in research. Based on the direction of the leadership and monitoring and evaluation of the previous period, the preparation of the monitoring and evaluation instrument is scheduled. The presentation of the schedule of activities and the division of tasks was carried out in the first meeting.

The final session was given the opportunity to ask questions related to these activities. The questions that arise are related to the elements of the monev instrument. After the preparatory meeting ended, it was followed by lunch.