In a series of visits to Bali, Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro attended at Udayana University, Wednesday (23/12/2020). The presence of the Minister in the framework of Unud Unud 2020 Bhakti Innovation which was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Udayana University Innovation Service is a sign of the revival of innovation performance by showing the performance results of the researchers and inventors of Udayana University. More than 40 innovation performance results were recorded on display, some of which were born in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Minister expressed his appreciation for the dozens of innovations created by Udayana University, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. "This is a very good thing. Higher education does not only produce research, but can produce innovations that can be used by the community. Therefore, I really appreciate Udayana University's efforts in building a research community to give birth to innovation, "said Minister Bambang.

Minister Bambang hopes that the mastery of technology will continue to be developed, so that universities will continue to contribute in creating innovation, not only to overcome COVID-19, but also in other sectors that can be a solution to the nation's problems. The hope is that the research and innovation ecosystem that is built can also contribute to the diversification of the Balinese economy in several sectors such as food processing, development of standardized medicines, and creative industries.

Udayana University Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi said, the Covid-19 pandemic provided a challenge as well as an opportunity for Udayana University researchers to dedicate their knowledge to the community. Several researchers have produced various innovative works to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic. Some other parts have been absorbed by the industrial world and developed as empathic commercial products, and some parts are still in prototype form for clinical trials and market trials which will be a further research phase in the coming year. The innovations on display on this occasion include (1) Covid-19 vaccine prototype (Protovak MRNA-QUART COVID-19) (2) Antibody detection kit against Covid-19 (Covidek ELISA-AB) (3) Covid-19 virus detection kit with antibody targets (Covidek ELISA-Covid-19 Virus) (4) Protovak Covid-19 Dogs and Cats (5) Herbal botanical drink (Soc Tea) (6) Arak Hand Sanitizer (Bio HS) (7) Robot Assitance Udayana (RATNA ) (8) SmartDrone Covid-19 disinfectant sprayer, and other innovative products.

"This ongoing pandemic gives a message that Udayana University must immediately establish itself as an innovation campus. Universities in Indonesia, including Udayana University, need to make big leaps in the innovation process and immediately present themselves as innovation campuses in order to win opportunities for national independence and competitiveness, "said Prof. Raka Sudewi.

Udayana University realizes that being an innovation campus is required to be productive to generate new ideas that are realized in the form of innovation. Therefore, Udayana University made a number of efforts to encourage researchers to produce innovations by developing products, production processes, and increasing the economic value of a product. This economic value then plays a major role in strengthening the position and competitiveness of the nation in the global economy. In addition, the birth of innovation encourages the independence of a nation, which is reflected in foreign exchange, job creation, processing of natural raw material sources into finished goods with higher economic added value.

Through the Udayana University Innovation Service 2020, the Chancellor of Udayana University Prof. Raka Sudewi hopes that in the future there will be more innovations that will be born from Udayana University researchers in order to create an innovation campus.

The Bhakti Innovation event was also attended by the Chairperson of the Udayana Senate, Deputy Chancellors, Head of Institutions, Head of Bureau, Chair of SPI, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders and other invitations. The event was also attended online by several university leaders, professors and the mass media. On this occasion a discussion was also held with the Minister regarding policies regarding research and innovation.