The Unud Covid Task Force Prepares a Survey of the Readiness for the Implementation of the 2021 Hybrid Learning System

The Udayana University Covid-19 Task Force held a coordination and evaluation meeting of the implementation of tasks at the Postgraduate Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (18/12/2020). The meeting was chaired directly by the Head of the Covid-19 Unud Task Force Prof. IB Wyasa Putra.

The Head of the Task Force said that this meeting was also to follow up on the direction of the Unud Chancellor in the Leadership Meeting related to the Circular of the Director General of Higher Education Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Learning in the Even Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

According to the SE referred to, learning in tertiary institutions starting in January 2021 can be held in a mixed way - face to face and online (hybrid learning). Even so, universities must still prioritize the health and safety of campus residents and the surrounding community. If you are going to carry out face to face, you must comply with the provisions in the SE.

The Head of the Task Force also said that it was not forced to go offline for those who were not ready, besides that offline must also receive a recommendation from the local Regional Task Force. University leaders must have a basic map of the current situation in determining the learning model policy, so that according to the Chancellor's direction, a survey of lecturers and students needs to be carried out regarding their readiness to implement this learning model policy, whether to use a hybrid model or not. The Task Force will prepare a survey instrument with google form and the survey will be carried out by USDI through IMISSU. The survey instrument will be equipped with a narrative about hybrid learning. The survey results will be used as a basis for consideration by the leadership of the university in determining the learning model policy.

Through this opportunity, the Head of the Task Force also expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Task Force Team in an effort to prevent the spread and handling of Covid so that the campus did not become a new cluster.

In the meeting, discussions and reports were also held regarding the handling and prevention of Covid in each work unit of the Task Force members. Input was obtained regarding the preparation of hybrid learning which of course requires IT readiness and support for supporting infrastructure. Faculties are expected to prepare proposals for budgeting for activities to control the spread of Covid-19 in each faculty