Udayana University Holds FIBAA International Accreditation Kick Off for Socio-Humanities Study Program
Jimbaran - In order to create an integrated campus education ecosystem to produce superior human resources and innovative products, one of which is through the internationalization of study programs within Udayana University, and in order to answer one of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of Higher Education, namely Internationalization, Udayana University planning to participate in international accreditation in 2022, namely The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). FIBAA is one of the international accreditation institutions (based in Germany) in the field of social sciences and humanities recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. A total of 14 study programs with an A accreditation or superior have been appointed by the Chancellor of Udayana University to prepare for and participate in this international accreditation, including the Bachelor of English Literature Study Program, the Bachelor of Japanese Literature and the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature (Faculty of Cultural Studies); Study Programs S1-Management, S1-Economics, S1-Accounting, and S2-Accounting (Faculty of Economics and Business); S1-Travel Industry Study Program, S1-Tourism, S2-Tourism, and S3-Tourism (Faculty of Tourism); and Study Programs for S1-Law, S2-Legal Studies, and S3-Legal Studies (Faculty of Law).
As a sign of the start of the FIBAA International Accreditation Activities, an FIBAA Accreditation Kickoff event was held which was attended by the Chancellor of Udayana University in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Tuesday (8/3/2022). The event was also attended by the Head of LP3M Unud and the LP3M team, Head of Bureau, Chair of LPPM, Chair of USDI, Head of UPT, CDC, KUI, Deans and Study Program Coordinators, as well as the Study Program Taskforce involved.
The Kickoff event began with a report from the Head of LP3M, Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., PhD who said, "This kick off can be likened to laying the first stone, inauguration or declaration of Unud to achieve its vision of international accreditation of FIBAA". The head of LP3M Unud also expressed his appreciation for the support and commitment of the university leadership which is very high for this international accreditation.
Meanwhile, Unud Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech emphasized that international accreditation is very important to implement because it is in accordance with Unud's vision of creating an integrated campus education ecosystem to produce superior human resources and innovative products, including those related to internationalization. The Chancellor explained, "We already have 4 study programs that are certified AUN-QA and now there are 14 study programs that are assigned to advance for FIBAA accreditation, 2 study programs are undergoing IABEE accreditation, starting next year ASIIN accreditation will start moving, the next batch of AUN-QA will also run soon." The Chancellor also provides the widest opportunity for study programs to determine the accreditation agency for their study programs, as long as it is recognized by Dikti, the leadership will facilitate. The Chancellor also emphasized that for the successful implementation of this international accreditation, synergy from all parties, both from the Faculty and Study Program levels involved, LP2M, USDI, Library Unit, UPT Language Laboratory, and all bureaus within Unud was needed.
The kick-off was marked by the submission of the FIBAA Registration Form from each Coorprodi accompanied by the Dean to the Unud Chancellor. In this Kick Off, a sharing session was also held regarding the experience of carrying out FIBAA Accreditation from Hasanudin University with Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Herman Parung, M.Eng. In the material Prof. Herman Parung started his presentation with an outline comparison between AUN-QA and FIBAA based on his experience in managing the two accreditation sites. He assured, "If you already have experience with AUN-QA certification, it will be very helpful in preparing and facing FIBAA accreditation."
Prof. Herman Parung then explained about the findings (lesson-learned) that Udayana University could deal with in preparing both documents and during the expert panel visitation from FIBAA. The next material was presented by the Chair of the LP3M Internationalization Center as well as the Chair of the Taskforce, Ainul Ghurri, ST, MT, PhD who conveyed the timeline for the preparation and implementation of FIBAA accreditation at Udayana University. The last resource person was from the USDI Unud Team who conveyed supporting data for accreditation that can be obtained online from IMISSU. In addition, the USDI team is ready to support the implementation of accreditation, including international accreditation, in preparing data including academic data.
It is hoped that from this sharing session, the Deans, Study Program Coordinators and Taskforce who will participate in FIBAA International Accreditation are ready to prepare and implement FIBAA international accreditation, so that Unud's dream to be internationally accredited, especially FIBAA, can be realized at the end of 2022.