Udayana University Immediately Implements "SIPENA"
Udayana University through the Human Resources Department of the General Bureau held a Socialization on the Implementation of the SIPENA Trial (Udayana Presence Information System) which took place in a hybrid combination online and offline from the main location point of the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (21/12/2021). The socialization was opened by the Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University, and was attended by the Heads of Bureaus, Coordinators, and Sub-Coordinators. And staff at Udayana University.
The Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, said that the creation of this system was motivated by the importance of carrying out attendance from anywhere on a mobile basis via a smartphone. For this initial stage, presentations through applications related to attendance at WFH and WFO are intended for education staff, while attendance for educators will be further coordinated. With the existence of SIPENA, it is hoped that employee discipline will increase, which previously obtained various reports related to the presence of problematic education personnel.
The socialization material for the SIPENA trial was delivered by the USDI Team. Ir. I Wayan Shandyasa, ST., MT from the USDI Team who explained the online presence can be accessed through the Udayana Mobile application which can be downloaded on the Play Store and Apps Store. The attendance of each education staff will then be validated by their superiors and the summary can be viewed in real time through the sipena.unud.ac.id page. Another advantage of using this application is that there are notifications on each user's smartphone device as a reminder to make attendance.
Through this application, it is hoped that in the future there will be no more education personnel who are not orderly in carrying out the attendance process.