Udayana University Postgraduate Program Holds Initial Lecture 2021/2022

The Postgraduate Program begins lectures, starting with an inaugural lecture which takes place online through Sisco Webex, Monday (1/2/2021). The inaugural lecture was attended by the Chairperson of the Senate, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Deans, Heads of Bureaus, Head of Institutions, Chair of SPI, Deputy Director I and II Postgraduate, as well as the coordinators of the Professional Program, PPDS, Masters and Doctoral programs.

Director of the Postgraduate Program Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his report said that this inaugural lecture is an activity at the University level which is held regularly every year for all new students of the Professional, Masters and Doctoral Programs and the Postgraduate Program as the organizer. This inaugural lecture aims to introduce new students to the vision and mission and goals of Udayana University, understand the learning process at the Professional, Masters and Doctoral levels, understand the academic atmosphere and the main supporting facilities for learning such as the Information Resources Unit (USDI), as well as journals and publications. scientific library provided by Udayana University. This activity is also an opportunity to introduce Udayana University leaders to new students.

The total number of students who take this inaugural lecture is 263 new students consisting of 50 Professional Program students from 3 Professional Programs, 122 students in the Specialist Doctor Professional Program spread over 19 Programs, 90 students from the Master Study Program from 9 Study Programs, and 1 student. Doctoral Study Program from the Animal Science Doctoral Study Program.

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that the Initial Lecture is the initial part of the educational process, especially for postgraduate level students. By participating in this Initial Lecture, students have become part of the implementation of education quality assurance, which is the standard for higher education management in order to lead to education that is innovative, creative and of high quality.

The important thing that was emphasized by the Rector of Udayana University as a reference in Udayana University standards was Passing on Time, Grade Point Average and producing Publications. This is important because Masters, Doctoral, Professional and Specialist education have set a standard study time which must be used as a basis in the educational process, evaluation and determination of student graduation. Innovation products are also one of the directions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to the academic community to be used as outputs from the learning process in higher education, so that they can provide benefits for the welfare of the community. Therefore, an innovative research plan should be prepared, that can be carried out during the study period and can be applied to the community or at least in accordance with the technological readiness levels of the TKT 4 to 6 levels or even reaching the TKT 7 to 9 levels so that it can be continued into innovation. Unud has a vision to produce graduates who are superior, independent and cultured. This vision is the foundation and direction for us together and is revealed in the mission as a good and quality effort in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

In this inaugural lecture, several materials were also given by the Chairman of the Senate Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, M.Sc, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng, Chairman of the Information Resources Unit (USDI) Dr. Nyoman Putra Sastra, ST., MT, and Head of Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D.