Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau Held Preparations for PIMNAS Initial Meeting 33
Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University Holds Preparation for PIMNAS Initial Gathering 33. The initial Gathering in the framework of PIMNAS 33 was held online from the USCC room, Agrokomplek Building, Fl. IV Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (9/11/2020) and was attended by the Head of Student Affairs Bureau, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs FMIPA, PKM Advisory Lecturer, Student participants of PIMNAS 33 and opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS.
On this occasion Prof. Sudarma said that PKM is one of the most prestigious reasons at the national level and must be carefully prepared so that Udayan University students qualify to become champions in PIMNAS 33 in 2020. As is known, the ranking in the field of student affairs is very dependent on student achievement at the PIMNAS level. The achievement as a champion that is obtained by students in participating in PIMNAS will increase the ranking of student affairs and also the performance of the Rector in the main performance indicators. PKM is an extra-curricular soft skill that must be implemented in addition to the hard skills given in college. Through this Initial Meeting, it is hoped that students can pay close attention to the material provided by the resource person who is the national jury in PIMNAS, and is expected to be a provision in participating in the competition.
The Initial Meeting event presented three speakers, namely (1) Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with the material "Udayana goes to PIMNAS 2020"., (2) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sundani Nurono Suwandhi, Apt. with the material "PIMNAS 2020". (3) Dr. Drs. A A. Rai Remawa, M.Sn. with the material "Poster Making Techniques". National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 33 will be held at UGM Yogyakarta from 24 to 29 November 2020 with an online system.
The PKM that passed and will take part in PIMNAS 33 of 2020 from Udayana University include (1) PKMKC from the Faculty of Engineering with the title "Microcontroller-Based Polymer Injection Molding System as Lontar Manuscript Preservation" with Supervisor Prof. I Dewa Gede Ary Subagia, ST., MT., Ph.D. (2) PKMM from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with the title "Street Children on Pedophilia Alert Sex Edication and Self Defense through the Puppet Stage" with Supervisor Dr. Ni Luh Rasmawati Purnawan, SS., M.Com. (3) PKMPE from the Faculty of Medicine with the title "Extraction of Padina Australis as Marine Drug for Atherosclerosis In Vivo" with Supervisor dr. Agung Nova Mahendra, M.Sc. 4) PKMPE from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the title "Antioxidant Fortification of Analog Rice Combination of Sweet Potatoes and Moringa as Food Diversification Efforts for Diabetes Mellitus Patients" with Supervisor Dr. rer. nat. I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, M.Si.Apt. 5) PKMPE from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the title "Hand Sanitizer for Water Pacar Extract, Solution for Sanitation Problems in Low Water Areas with Supervisor Ni Putu Ayu Dewi Wijayanti, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt. 6) PKMPE from the Faculty of Medicine with the title "Innovation of Obesity Therapy with Probiotic Lactobacillus Rhamnosus SKG34-FBB42 Isolated from the Sumbawa Horse Tribe as an In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Agent" with Supervisor dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, S.Ked., Ph.D.