Udayana University Through the Office of International Affairs (KUI) Holds Campus Internationalization Socialization
Jimbaran - The Office of International Affairs (KUI) of Udayana University held the Internationalization of Campus Internationalization "Study Program-Based International Program" at the Rector's Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (11/3/2020). The socialization was attended by the Chairperson of LP3M, Postgraduate Director, Faculty Deans, Koorprodi, Chair of the USDI and International Program Manager within the University of Udayana.
The guest speaker who attended the socialization was the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara with the material of the Mapping of International Cross-Study Program Credit Transfer Programs at Udayana University, Adhrial Rifaddin, SIP. M.PP, Coordinator of Institutional Strengthening Internationalization of Higher Education Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture with material Reshaping Internationalization to Support Campus Merdeka Initiative, and Coordinator of KUI Unud Dr. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki with the role of KUI in Accelerating Unud to Achieve WCU.
Vice Chancellor Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara said that this activity was related to the internationalization at Udayana University, which began with the Internationalization of Study Programs that should be promoted in the coming year, because it could provide various benefits and support the accreditation of institutions, and the number of foreign students became one of the indicators of internationalization in Higher Education. Foreign students who are recognized are Study Program based, for that step is taken to form a KUI in charge of managing international programs at Unud.
On that occasion the Vice Chancellor asked the KUI Coordinator to submit the program that he had to the Dean to be forwarded to the Study Program, so that foreign students could be claimed by the Study Program. Programs that are socialized to prospective foreign students must also be in accordance with what is being implemented. Foreign students who take part in the program will later receive academic certificates and academic transcripts. The Vice Chancellor also informed that there are seven international programs in Unud, namely BIPAS, Tropical Engineering, GoBali, UISP, IBSN, BIPA and UPSKILL.
KUI in implementing international programs must coordinate with the Faculty Leaders because the program will be implemented by the Study Program at the Faculty not by the KUI. For this reason, the Vice-Chancellor will facilitate the Faculty to support study programs who wish to open international programs. Through the opening of an international program it is hoped that it can increase income generating for study programs, and can support the remuneration received. The Vice-Chancellor hopes that any program can be well recorded and through programs implemented the number of foreign students can continue to increase.
While the Coordinator of KUI Unud Dr. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki on the occasion explained Strengthening International Competitiveness with Campus Internationalization which focused on mobility (inbound and outbound), international publications and joint / collaboration research. The KUI coordinator also explained the international program-based program scheme, the foreign student administration process and its procedures.
Speaker Adhrial Rifaddin, SIP. In his presentation, M.PP conveyed that in internationalization a standard for tertiary institutions was not necessarily suitable for other tertiary institutions. Adhrial also explained related to internationalization features consisting of articulated institutional commitment; administrative leadership, structure and staffing; curriculum, co-curriculum and learning; faculty policies and practices; student mobility and collaboration and partnerships.