Udayana University Wins "Informative" Category Public Agency Award from the Central Information Commission
After passing through the stages of implementing the Monitoring and Evaluation and Presentation processes conducted by the Central Information Commission (KIP) on 7 categories of Public Bodies consisting of Ministries, Provincial Governments, Universities, State Institutions and Non-Ministry Government Institutions, Non-Structural Institutions, BUMN, and Political parties which were held during the period October-November 2020. The Central Information Commission held an Online Public Information Openness Award (KIP) through the Zoom Application, Wed (25/11/2020).
It is an honor this year that Udayana University won the "Informative" Public Agency Category among the 60 Public Bodies that won the Informative category. Nine universities are in this category, namely UGM, Unibraw, Unpad, Unima, IPB, Unila, ITS, Unud and UI.
Head of Central KI, Gede Narayana, said that the level of participation of public bodies in this year's KIP has increased and from the results of monev there are 60 informative public bodies. This award should not be interpreted as a contestation between public agencies but should be interpreted as a measure of the implementation of public information disclosure in the country.
Meanwhile, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, in his remarks and directions at the event expressed his appreciation and appreciation for the performance of public bodies that have successfully entered the Informative category. This event is a good opportunity to appreciate public agencies that have seriously strived to open public information and make it easy for the public to access information. The Vice President hopes that the Informative Public Agency will continue to survive and strive to develop the quality of public information services for the better. For public bodies that are going to be informative, informative enough and less informative or uninformative so that they continue to accelerate and make improvements so that they are able to become an informative public body, with the right commitment and strategy this will undoubtedly be realized.
Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi was present online to receive the Informative Public Agency award for Udayana University, and thanked Udayana University for the achievements in 2020. "This is an extraordinary achievement that has been achieved". The previous year, 2019 Udayana University won the Fairly Informative category and this year it immediately received the Informative category not through the Toward Informative category. This is a leap after going through various stages and is the highest achievement. The Chancellor hopes that if there are things that are still lacking, it should be improved in providing information services, so that it is truly capable of becoming an accountable agency.