Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi Ilmiah (JUPI) Universitas Udayana, Organizes JUPI Webinar Series # 1.
The webinar took the theme "Unud Journals Keep Working When Corona Outbreak" with the title "Standardization of Journal Governance in Efforts to Increase the National Journal Accreditation Ranking", Wednesday (29/04/2020). The webinar was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng by presenting the guest speaker of the UM UM Gorontalo Research and Publication Research Center Muhammad Firyal Akbar, SIP, MSi, and as the moderator Chairperson of JUPI Unit Unud Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD.
The purpose of this Webinar is to provide insight and knowledge about the process and assessment of national journal accreditation regarding website standards and management and the readiness of the substance of accreditation in the scientific field. For this reason, the management of Unud Journal can immediately prepare everything so that it can be indexed by SINTA for those not yet indexed by SINTA and for an increase in SINTA ranking.
This webinar was participated by 86 managers of Unud Journals, and it was very interactive and interesting. Journal managers are very enthusiastic in improving journal management. At present there are 73 Unud Journals indexed by SINTA (SINTA 2 - SINTA 6).
After participating in this webinar activity, journal managers are expected to be motivated to adjust the requirements for submission of SINTA accreditation ranking and complete accreditation requirements for those who have not registered with ARJUNA, so that in this 6 months there will be 10 journals that will increase their accreditation ranks and 10 journals that register ARJUNA.