Unud Chancellor Attends the Inauguration of Chairman of STIMI Handayani Denpasar

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi attended the commemoration of the 41st Anniversary, 37th Graduation Ceremony of STIMI Handayani Denpasar and the Inauguration of Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Gede Udiyana, SE, M.Si, Ak at Grand Inna Bali Beach, Friday (6/11/2020). This event was also attended directly by the Head of LLDikti Region VIII, the Chairperson and Trustees of the Foundation as well as other invitees to take part in the online procession.

Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Gede Udiyana (Chairperson of STIMI Handayani) in a Scientific Oration entitled "Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Tourism Sector Human Resources" said that based on the current situation and conditions of tourism and due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, a strategy for selecting and developing human resources is needed to overcome the problems there is. The HR development strategy is to maintain a balance between employee needs, company needs and occupational health and safety needs. Fulfilling employee needs affects intrinsic behavior based on the MAMA (Motivation, Ability and Moral Awareness) model of employees and extrinsic behavior guided by the LIFE'S model. MAMA LIFE'S MODEL approach will cause employees to have a strong commitment to the company. If this strategy is implemented simultaneously not partially, it will continuously foster organizational citizenship behavior which is very much needed today.