Unud Extends Memorandum of Understanding with Samratulangi University, "Strengthening MBKM Program Implementation"
Jimbaran - Located in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Udayana University (Unud) and Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat), Wednesday (26/01/2022). Present at the signing ceremony of the Unud Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Faculty and UPIKS Leaders, Head of BAKH, Unud Spokesperson and the Cooperation and Public Relations Section. Meanwhile, Unsrat was present from the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Budgeting and Cooperation along with the Deputy, Cooperation Functional Coordinator and the Lecturer Team.
Unud Chancellor Prof. In the event, I Nyoman Gde Antara conveyed a glimpse of Unud's profile and future work programs as Chancellor. It was further stated that the target of the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding covers the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in order to mutually strengthen the implementation of activities in each Work Unit, one of which is the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program through student exchanges between the two universities. He hoped that this activity could be followed up by the Dean of the Faculty.
While the Chancellor of Unsrat Prof. Ellen Joan Kumaat said that the cooperation between the two parties had existed since 2017 and ended in 2020, because our pandemic was hampered and could only be signed today. The cooperation that has lasted so far has benefited both parties and is going well. There is already cooperation in the field of HR and other technical collaborations with several faculties. He hopes that in the future it can be improved again to strengthen the MBKM program, especially student exchanges. This program will certainly make it easier for students to take cross-campus courses and he also hopes that it will go well and can speed up the student exchange process for both parties.