Unud FEB Economic Development Study Program Held Regional Webinar for the First Time in the FEB Unud Environment

Economic Development Study Program FEB Unud held the first regional web seminar (webinar) entitled "Bali in the Middle of Covid-19: Tourism, Agriculture, and the Fate of PMI" on Saturday (25/04) this morning. This webinar was opened by the Dean of FEB, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.

This webinar presented the Mayor of Denpasar, Mr. I. B. Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, M.Sc., as the Chair of the Denpasar City Covid-19 Task Force for Handling Accord and the Head of the Balung Regency Research and Development Agency, Dr. I Wayan Suambara as a speaker. In addition, three economists from FEB Unud, namely Prof. Dr. I Komang Gde Bendesa, M.A.D.E, Prof. Dr. Drs. Made Kembar Sri Budhi, M.P., and Dr. I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa, SE., M.Sc., also participated as a speaker in this webinar. The webinar was attended by 211 participants consisting of UMKM, PMI, lecturers in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Regional Government staff, and the general public.

Some important recommendations for the Government were produced in this webinar, for example: the importance of formulating the concept of Balinese development that does not only rely on tourism as its main pillar, and the need for the community to maintain the resilience of the family economy by developing a creative economy at home-scale scale. This recommendation is expected to help Bali to get out of this difficult situation due to COVID-19.