Udayana University has launched a new system, namely "Asset Digitization System (SIDIA)", which is an information system for recording university assets. This system was developed by the General Bureau through the BMN Section in collaboration with USDI and PPIDS Unud. This system was launched directly by the Rector of Udayana University at the Language Room of the Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (7/10).

The launch event began with the presentation of SIDI A by the Head of the General Bureau, Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi includes background and general information on his features followed by a system demo by the USDI Team. This system is also integrated with SiISYANA (Udayana Inventory Information System).

Also attending the event were Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Chairperson of PPIDS and the BMN Section.

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi appreciates all parties who have contributed to the creation of the SIDI A system. This is an innovative breakthrough in an effort to create transparent, accountable, effective and efficient governance. The Chancellor hopes that this system can be developed again to make it more complex and make governance at Udayana University better.