Unud Rector Inaugurates 11 Officials at Udayana University

Denpasar - Today, Wednesday (5/20/2020) Chancellor of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi installed 11 Officials consisting of the Head of Administration of the Faculty of Agriculture, and 10 Heads of Subdivisions within the Head Office and Faculty. The inauguration and Position Handover event took place in the Nusantara Room of the Agrokomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.

Unlike the official inauguration ceremony, this inauguration event was apparently quiet and was only attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Head of the General Bureau, HR Department and Officials who were appointed. This event took place by following the Covid-19 prevention protocol which is body temperature screening, wearing masks and gloves as well as implementing distance between attendees.

The leaders and other invitees attended the inauguration ceremony online through the Webex Unud application from their respective residences. The inauguration program was also broadcast live streaming on YouTube by Udayana TV.

Before being inaugurated the new officials followed the mejaya-jaya ceremony at Widya Maha Amerta Temple, Sudirman Campus, by implementing the Covid-19 prevention protocol.

Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that the inauguration was carried out more effectively and efficiently in accordance with the Circular of the Head of BKN related to the inauguration and oath of civil servant / position promises via electronic media during the emergency status of the corona virus outbreak. The Chancellor further said that the promotion and transfer of positions was carried out because of the needs of the organization and had passed the selection stages and the meeting of the Baperjakat Team.

Through this opportunity the Chancellor also congratulated officials who were appointed and hopes that the new officials become a unity in the Udayana University organization to achieve the performance of the Chancellor, so that the organization will be more developed and able to produce a variety of better performance than before.

The inauguration program which involved online invitations ran smoothly and successfully. The smooth running of this activity is also the support of the USDI Chairman and staff and the Media Team of Udayana University.