Unud Student Affairs Bureau Holds Socialization, Equalizes Perceptions of Work Programs to Improve Student Achievement
Socialization and Equalization of Perceptions of Work Programs and Student Activities at Udayana University at the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (11/1/2022). The socialization was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and attended by the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, the Ormawa Development Unit, the Chair and Secretary of USCC, the SME Trustees and the Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the Ormawa at Udayana University.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech conveyed the implementation of this activity in order to equalize perceptions related to work programs and student activities so that they are directed and the goals and objectives are clear. This is so that all the state budget used is right on target, so it must be used as wisely as possible and as appropriate as possible through the assigned performance targets. All budgets for activities are based on the proposals submitted in the POK and if they are not included in the POK, they cannot be executed. For this reason, students are welcome to make a proposal and submit it to the BKM, then it will be reviewed by the Ormawa Development Unit whether it is in accordance with the target objectives. All Ormawa are expected to perform.
Furthermore, the Vice Chancellor said that time flies very quickly, for that what you want to do must be planned immediately. Monthly monitoring and evaluation will be carried out with the hope that all can perform. The Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Guiding Lecturers will also be targeted for their performance. Activities carried out must be oriented towards student achievement. The Vice Chancellor hopes that the implementation of this socialization and equalization of perceptions can be beneficial in improving student achievement and those who have performed well to be improved.
The resource persons in the socialization are Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT, Ph.D., IPU with material on Policy Direction for Udayana University Student Activities, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with material on Student Achievement and MBKM, Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Si with the material on Creativity and Innovation in Developing Performance-Based Work Programs, Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Si with material on Student Entrepreneurship Program and Dr. Ns. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep.,.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom with material on Development of Reasoning and Student Creativity.
The policy direction in the field of student affairs is to support the achievement of 8 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as the basis for higher education transformation. The student affairs sector has a strategic role in increasing achievement and developing interests, talents, reasoning and creativity as well as science and professionalism, where the Directorate General of Higher Education encourages universities to continue to develop student programs through grant programs, competitions/competitions, affirmations or others. Through this socialization activity, the types of student achievements at Kemendikbudristek were also conveyed, achievement development activities at Unud, frameworks for preparing work programs, time line for student activity programs, entrepreneurship programs and PKM.