The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University ( received a visit from the Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya ( on July 26, 2022, which located in the Leadership Meeting Room, MM Building, First Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This visit was received directly by the Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program, Dr. Ica Rika Candraningrat, S.E., M.M. and Coordinator of the Bachelor of Management Study Program Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, S.E., M.M. This visit was carried out in order to establish cooperation in terms of partners of Merdeka Learn Campus, Merdeka Learn (MB-KM) and Research Collaboration.
This visit began with remarks from the Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program representing the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, followed by remarks from the Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya Ainur Rofiq, S.Kom., SE., MM., Ph.D., CFA. The event continued with a discussion regarding the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MB-KM) at the undergraduate study program level. The things discussed are related to the MB-KM implementation pattern with 3 pathways, namely the regular route (without joining the MB-KM), the 1 semester MB-KM pathway, and the 2 semester MB-KM pathway. Of course, this path must be synchronized into the curriculum so that there are characteristics of each student who chooses the MB-KM path that has been determined. In this discussion related to MB-KM, university support was also discussed regarding regulations governing the weight and type of courses to be converted for MB-KM.
The visit from the Management Department of FEB UB also discussed plans for cooperation between faculties, the implementation of which allows each party to join the program in terms of lectures, research, as well as Doctoral Colloqium and Doctoral Service. This will certainly provide benefits for both parties, especially in terms of measuring organizational performance index.
The future hope from Mr. WD 1 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya is a return visit from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University to Malang with the aim of discussing a cooperation agreement that can support all activities and activities that will be carried out. The visit of the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya ended with a group photo and the presentation of souvenirs from both parties
The visit ended with the handing over of mementos and a group photo