Visit from the Master of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Palangka Raya
Inte The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud) received a comparative study visit from the Master of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business, Palangka Raya University. The visit was attended by the Secretary of the Study Program, Lecturers, and Students, chaired by Dr. Alexandra Hukom, SE, M.Si, as the Head of the Master of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Palangka Raya, at the Leadership Meeting Room, MM Building Level 1 FEB UNUD Denpasar Campus (Thursday, September 21, 2023). National Seminar of the FEB Unud Master Study Programme
The visit was received by the Coordinator of the FEB UNUD Master of Economics Study Program, Mrs. Dr. Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti, S.E., M.Si., who was accompanied by the Coordinator of the Economics Doctoral Study Program, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, S.E., M.P., and representatives of the FEB UNUD Master of Economics Student Association.
The meeting discussed the joint activity plan of both parties as a follow-up to the cooperation that has been built between FEB Unud and FEB Palangkaraya University and also sharing sessions in the management of study programs. The meeting is expected to bring mutual benefits in the field of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi and be able to improve the competitiveness of each institution.
The Chairperson of the Master of Economics Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Palangka Raya University, Dr. Alexandra Hukom, SE, M.Si, really appreciated the hospitality of FEB Unud in receiving her party. This visit ended with the handover of mementos in the form of plaques from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, and the Faculty of Economics and Business, Palangka Raya University, which was then continued with a group photo session.