Webinar Gathering 'BALI RISE': Positive and Productive Living in the Covid Pandemic
Udayana University in collaboration with PT Baliyoni Saguna held a Bali Bangkit Webinar which was held online through the Zoom application, Monday (28/9/2020).
The webinar presented several resource persons, namely Ricky Handrian (Head of Personal System Indonesia Philipinnes Pakistan), Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Sri Ariyani, MM, IPM (CEO Baliyoni Group), Frans Adiredja (Business Personal System Category Lead HP Indonesia), Ade Kadarisman, S.Sos, MT, M.Sc (Lecturer at the Public Relations Study Program of Fikom Unpad / Deputy Chairperson of Central ISKI ) and Krismayadi (Commercial Trainer and Pre Sales HP Indonesia) and Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel delivered material on the Covid-19 Pandemic and Humanitarian Challenges, and the Udayana University Chancellor was present as the Keynote Speaker. This webinar was hosted by DR. Kadek Agus Putra Sastrawan, S.STP, M.AP as a moderator.
Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech conveyed the implementation of this activity in order to welcome the new era of Balinese life. As is known, the Governor of Bali has launched a new era of Bali since July 2020 to face the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chancellor said that this pandemic is not only detrimental to public health, but almost all lines of human life, even so our enthusiasm and productivity should be maintained without neglecting health protocols.
In the face of the confirmed spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia since March 2020, Udayana University as an educational institution is involved in tackling it. At the beginning of the spread of Covid-19, a Chancellor's Instruction was issued related to the prevention and control of the spread of Covid in the campus environment. In order to reduce the spread, there has also been a period of interruption in activities on campus. Even though there are periods of pause in activities on campus, the implementation of Tridharma continues to run optimally online.
Now Indonesia is starting to enter into the adaptation of new habits and in response to this, a Rector's Instruction has been issued regarding the new normal order in Udayana University.
Implementation of learning and examinations is recommended to take place online, if it must be done face-to-face, it is mandatory to follow the health protocol. In the field of institutional services, Work from Home (WFH) and Work from Office (WoO) are also implemented while still paying attention to health protocols. We have a shared responsibility in preventing the spread of covid, we are also required to always think positively and not panic and take early prevention from ourselves, family and society. By working together we will be able to get out of this pandemic period. The Chancellor also expressed his appreciation to those who have contributed to the implementation of this Webinar and hopes that this webinar will be of use to us in welcoming a new era.
One of the speakers, Ade Kadarisman, in his material conveyed that the tourism sector in Indonesia was most significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The turnover of flights, hotels, and restaurants also dropped by only 10 percent. Many hotels in Bali have already laid off most of their employees. Positive cases that continue to increase in Indonesia today make foreign tourists worry about the spread of Covid-19. But behind the challenges and threats of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the tourism sector in Bali must rise to new normal standards that are strictly adhered to. The tourism sector as one of the economic drivers of the community must rise again, of course, on the condition that it still meets health protocols during this pandemic. Five tourism stakeholders, namely academics, entrepreneurs, society, government and the media must build cooperation in reviving the tourism sector. During this pandemic, a tourism marketing communication strategy can be carried out by utilizing digital platforms and social media.